I&W Realty Our Team


Real people. Real expereience. Dedicated to our clients, we focus on our clients need and want and they value. We know how to laugh and have some fun while we’re at it! We don’t believe only selling property. We do believe in providing peace of mind.

Winston Qiu

Winston Qiu


0420 770 000 winstonqiu@iwrealty.com.au

Winston Qiu


George Wang

George Wang

Sales consultant

0423 900 518 georgewang@iwrealty.com.au

George Wang

Sales consultant

Michael Qiu

Michael Qiu

Sales Consultant

0423 811 577 michaelqiu@iwrealty.com.au

Michael Qiu

Sales Consultant

Reena Joshi

Reena Joshi

Sales Consultant

0423 683 291 Reenajoshi@iwrealty.com.au

Reena Joshi

Sales Consultant

Celia Zhou

Celia Zhou

Business Develop Manager

0401 656 367 celiazhou@iwrealty.com.au

Celia Zhou

Business Develop Manager

Tao Tao

Tao Tao

Director of Leasing

0430 496 688 pm@iwrealty.com.au

Tao Tao

Director of Leasing

Jacky Ho

Jacky Ho

Graphic Designer

0404808812 jackyho@iwrealty.com.au

Jacky Ho

Graphic Designer

Joy Jin

Joy Jin

Client Relationship Manager

0430021697 joyjin@iwrealty.com.au

Joy Jin

Client Relationship Manager

Kevin Ungos

Kevin Ungos

Sales Agent

0450 712 869 kevinungos@iwrelty.com.au

Kevin Ungos

Sales Agent

Our Customer Testimonials

Dear Winston,
Thank you very much for your email.
You and your team have done the great job. I am more than happy with the outcomes, and very grateful for all your contributions.
Hope I&W Realty has a prosperous future!
Tong Jin

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